Remembering Nana

A little over a week ago, my dear Nana passed away. She was almost 95 years old and although we knew it was coming, it still didn’t make it any easier to hear the news that day. I wrote about her and my grandfather in a blog post when we celebrated their 73rd wedding anniversary this […]

3D Halloween Cookie Craft for Kids

With the onslaught of testing in our education system, I sometimes feel there is a lack of creative outlets for students during the school day. Craft projects, when I was a kid, were a part of our daily routine, not just reserved for art class a few times a week. Making those projects are some […]

Madeline Cookies

In an old house in Paris that was covered in vines lived twelve little girls in two straight lines… the smallest one was Madeline. I had forgotten about these wonderful old stories until I was asked to make Madeline cookies. The last time I had read these books was as a nanny many moons ago. I […]

Paying It Forward, one Apple Cookie at a time.

Did you ever hear a story that touched you, even if it was about someone you had never met? And you wanted to do something to support them, in some small way, because their story tugged at your heart strings and wouldn’t let go? Well I have. And that story is about a boy named […]

Simple Stackable Flower Cookies

As much as I torture pride myself with the rigors of particular cookie concepts, sometimes it’s the simplest of cookies that I like best. Straight forward. Easy-ish to frost. Forgiving of air pockets and color bleeding. Modestly sweet with a nice impact. This is the way cookie decorating should be! Daisies are always at the top […]

Fun for the Fourth

Being uber dependent on your computer is a scary thing. No more so do you realize this until you attempt a software update one night and get a spinning wheel of death the next morning when you try and turn it on. Terrifying. My photos! My email! My calendar! Where the heck am I supposed […]

How does your garden grow?

These may be my most favorite cookies I’ve ever done. For this week anyway. They were definitely a labor of love. Let me tell you something, decorating sugar cookies is not so easy peasy. It takes a long time, a steady hand, and a bunch of patience. But I love it. It’s been borderline obsession lately. […]