Easy Flower Cookie Platter

Ever since I created and posted this flower cookie platter, I’ve had lots questions regarding it. It’s so easy, you guys, and the design came to me at the last minute. I don’t know how or why this works, but in this case it did! Due to all of your inquiries (thanks for asking!), I wrote up a tutorial to […]

Truffula Tree Cookies

Anyone who decorates cookies knows the difficulties in making a character cookie. You get those eyes or ears just the slightest bit off and it can look like some deranged mutant, as opposed to the sweet creature it was supposed to resemble. Some people are super good at characters and way more brave than I […]

Simple Stackable Flower Cookies

As much as I torture pride myself with the rigors of particular cookie concepts, sometimes it’s the simplest of cookies that I like best. Straight forward. Easy-ish to frost. Forgiving of air pockets and color bleeding. Modestly sweet with a nice impact. This is the way cookie decorating should be! Daisies are always at the top […]

For Mommies

We just spent a wonderful vacation with my parents and siblings. It was a week filled with too much food, a bit of drink, dance parties, go karts, dice games, old stories and lots of laughter. Needless to say, we are happily exhausted. A great way to spend time together, especially for our Mom, right […]

Busy as a Melissa Joy Bee

You’d never guess it was a month with no major cookie holiday. It seemed as though I was in the kitchen non-stop this April, and now looking back on the photos, perhaps I had been. Holy cookies Batman! Here’s a sampling… Dreaming of summer for a silent auction at my boy’s school. My Grandparent’s Anniversary, […]

Hey Girlfriends!

I’m like the kid on Christmas who’s got a gift and gives it early. When I am excited about a cookie idea, I just gotta show someone because I love it right then and can’t wait! That’s what happened with these. {Here’s a spoiler alert to the Far Pond Ladies} My high school girlfriends and […]