Busy as a Melissa Joy Bee

You’d never guess it was a month with no major cookie holiday. It seemed as though I was in the kitchen non-stop this April, and now looking back on the photos, perhaps I had been. Holy cookies Batman! Here’s a sampling…

Dreaming of summer for a silent auction at my boy’s school.

Summer Critter Cookies

My Grandparent’s Anniversary, which I wrote about here. Love you Nana & Gramps!

Nana & Willie's Anniversary Cookies

Community Center volunteer appreciation. Once I had them done I realized if you don’t read the “CRC” at the top of the pin first, it looks as though I wrote it wrong. Mental note to plan a little better next time.

CRC Bowling

Birthday cookies galore!

Woody Cowboy Hats IMG_1502

dovesrainbow butterflies birthday cookie cupcake
Thanks for the lego tutorial Sugarbelle!IMG_1738 menina owls

Then my favorites from last post. Worth sharing again, if that’s okay. I recently wrote on my Facebook page that it was with these cookies I realized I am sometimes more artist than baker. It was the first project I created that I wanted to keep and save for I don’t know what. The mantel? So silly. I set them free and I believe they were truly enjoyed by the recipients.

choc cover

A few for the upcoming National RN Recognition Day.

Nurses Day Cookies

Smiles going to a Mommy.

Smiley Flower

For a favorite “customer”, a few special lollie cookies for her Sugar Rush themed birthday party. They were also the perfect design for LilaLoa’s Monthly cookie challenge, which was to find another use for a diamond ring cookie cutter. I snapped a few pics on how I swirled them, just for kicks.

Sugar Rush Birthday Lollies

Yup, I bake the stick right onto the cookie…

IMG_1770 IMG_1771 IMG_1773 IMG_1774 IMG_1776

These should sugar up those 8 year old party girls real good!

Sugar Rush Lollipops

And was that it? Not quite. I’ve got one more cookie design tucked away, but it’s for May. And I love love love they way they turned out! I’ll keep you posted.


11 thoughts on “Busy as a Melissa Joy Bee

  1. Missy – I have always thought you were an artist, as well as a baker. I can see why your mom & dad are so proud of you. And the beautiful colors you come up with; loved the butterflies!!!!!! Actually, loved them all!!! Kathy

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