Valentine’s Day Tic Tac Toe Cookies

tic tac toe by melissa joy cookies

It’s my one year blogiversary!

xoxo tic tac toe by melissa joy cookies

Last January I produced my very first post, Valentine Dominos. One picture and a single sentence to go with it, mostly because I wanted to make sure the thing worked when I clicked “publish”. It DID work and I was so proud. I felt very minuscule in the sea of a bazillion bloggers, yet thrilled to be swimming amongst the biggest of fish.

Valentine Tic Tac Toe Cookies by Melissa Joy

I decided to start a blog as a way to get my cookie art out there in another medium, to be more active on Pinterest, and to share where Facebook lacks. I’ve let it grow organically and have enjoyed producing it more than I realized I would. I find that photographing, editing pictures, and writing are just as much fun as creating the cookies!

Valentine Cookies by Melissa Joy

And I like my cookies to be fun. Figuring I started my blog with a cookie game, it seems appropriate to celebrate one year on the web with another edible form of entertainment. The Valentine Tic Tac Toe, Melissa Joy style.

valentine cookies by melissa joy cookies

There is still much to learn and ways to improve, but I am excited for what may lie ahead. I hope you will delight, comment and continue to be there to take the ride along with

(If you would like some guidance on how I make a tic tac toe board, you can check our my post for Summer Tic Tac Toe Cookies or Back To School Tic Tac Toe Cookies!)

15 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day Tic Tac Toe Cookies

  1. I just adore your ideas!!! I’ve got my board done. I used wet-on-wet and made hearts across and down. Making x, o, heart and kisses for the pieces. Love your little letters. Neat idea!! Congrats on the blogoversary!!! I love your blog!! –Katy

  2. I think this version is my favorite tic-tac-toe version of yours, Melissa. I am so happy that you joined the blogging world; your cookies make me happy, as does your blog:) Your photos are gorgeous, and so big (wish my blog would fit bigger photos)!

  3. Pingback: Summer Tic-Tac-Toe Cookies | Melissa Joy Cookies

  4. Pingback: Valentine's Day: Sweet Valentine's Day Cookies - Mimi's Dollhouse

  5. Pingback: Valentine’s Day Cookie Round Up | Sweet Tablescapes

  6. Pingback: 15 Beautifully Decorated Valentine’s Day Sugar Cookies | Random Acts of Baking

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