Easy Firework Cookies for the 4th!

There is still time left to put together cookie pops before the 4th of July weekend! So fun. So easy. So festive! I posted a tiny tutorial on my Facebook page yesterday, but wanted to give you more details about it. Follow along!

Easy firework cookies by Melissa Joy

I used a pointy scalloped cookie cutter (is that what you’d call it?) for these, but any round or flower cookie cutter could work. Ice your favorite baked cookies in white royal icing and let dry fully…overnight is best.

1. With food writers, draw slightly curved lines in blue and red, radiating from the center. *I chose the Americolor brand this time.

2. Create the same curved lines with red and blue icing in between your drawn lines. *I used snack size ziplocs to pipe this icing. Just cut off the tiniest part of the corner and you’re good to go!

3. Grab different sizes of star sprinkles. Place the largest star you have in the middle and accent with smaller stars around the rest of the cookie, adhering the stars with a dot of RI.

4. Add a few tiny dots of red and blue RI in the spots that need a little more detail.

5. The firework cookies are fine decorated just as they are, but if you’ve snagged something like these adorable stars and stripes straws (darn you, Target dollar bin), continue to this next step! Squirt a blob of icing on the back of your pretty cookies. Flatten one end of the straw first (I don’t know if this makes a difference in getting the straw to stick, but for some reason, I just do it.) and squish the straw into the icing. Let dry for several hours until hardened.

Easy Firework Cookie Pops -by Melissa Joy Cookies

Easy firework cookie pops done and ready to enjoy!

These are so simple. No doubt the kids can decorate them for you. Keeping them busy will give you more time to get ready for all your other 4th of July rituals!

Have a wonderful Independence Day weekend everyone!

3 thoughts on “Easy Firework Cookies for the 4th!

  1. Pingback: Firework Cookies | Easy Bonfire Night Recipes | Easy Iced Biscuit Recipes

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