Hey Girlfriends!

I’m like the kid on Christmas who’s got a gift and gives it early. When I am excited about a cookie idea, I just gotta show someone because I love it right then and can’t wait! That’s what happened with these.

{Here’s a spoiler alert to the Far Pond Ladies}


My high school girlfriends and I get together once a year for a long weekend of catching up and foolishness in the summertime. Certain items are required to be there: wigs, taco dip, celebrity magazines, specific beverages, and sweets. Somehow the stars aligned and we are squeezing in a winter version as well. Woot woot! The perfect reason to make a cookie idea that had been brewing for a few days.


What is so awesome about these is that they are so easy peasy! With this plan, I could make bunches of cookies with little effort to feed my friends and maybe there’d be some left to take home to their kiddies. I said MAYBE.

IMG_0593I first saw this image pinned by marthastewart.com and thought it would make a great cookie. Then I channelled this past blog post by Sugarbelle. If you are not a cookier, Sugarbelle has got everything you need to know on how to become one. Or you could just admire her pictures. She’s a master.

With these ideas, the result was a pretty design that’s impressive with not a lot of work. A win win!

sunflowerI realize it’s not a wintery theme for our weekend, but we’re all longing for the warmer weather anyway. This way we can look forward to our summer retreat which will be here before you know it. See you soon, Ladies!

12 thoughts on “Hey Girlfriends!

  1. I LOVE this! May I use your “inspiration” to do this for our upcoming church fellowship? Our Assoc. Pastor is leaving and he’s quite the gardener! Blessings, Donna B.

    • Of course you should do this! I made 24 “petals” and 34 “seeds” for this display. I used a rocket cutter and cut off the bottom for the petals, but it would be easier with a leaf cutter. I made extra just in case I wanted it bigger, and you can never go wrong with extra cookies. 😉 Good luck and let me know if you make it!

      • Thank you, Melissa….I’ve been digging in my cutters and decided to “Donna-fye” it and I’m using a fluted teardrop for the petals and a fluted round for the seeds. We’ll see how that goes…..It should fit nicely on a 16″ round plate….and as I just drew it out, I was figuring on 24 petals and 24 seeds……but I’ll cut extras as I’m probably going to use a red velvet roll-out and don’t know how it will bake-up with spread and all…..hummmmm……..hubby may have lotsa extras to eat! lol…But I’ll post a picture somewhere to show you! Blessings, Donna B.

  2. Enjoy this awesome sunflower Far Pond Ladies and have a fun, relaxing time away! Your times together are so precious, before you know it . . . you’ll be Grandmas playing canasta.

  3. Melissa, I just sent you and e-mail with a picture of my sunflower platter. Alot different than yours in proporation but I was pleased and it was well received at the church fellowship. Thanks for the help with it.

    • Donna, I finally got back to you via email. Your platter looks FABULOUS! I love the scalloped cutters you used. It means the world to me to have you show me your work. Thanks a bunch! 🙂

      • You are very encouraging, Melissa…..thanks for sharing your talents!!! Blessings, Donna B.

  4. These are SO cute! What a neat idea! I will be trying to make a platter like this sometime this summer for sure!

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